After winning the ellections in autumn 2015, rightsided PiS (Law & Justice party) started quickly changing many state reguliations. The New acts were voted in the middle of the night, lots of officials and regular employees in government agencies have been quickly changed. When PiS started changing the constitutional court to make it politicaly suitable for them - just like Viktor Orban's government did it in Hungary, citizens went out on the streets to give voice for their dissatisfaction for the new regulations. In December mr. Mateusz Kijowski founded the KOD - Democracy Defense Committee - the organization that is the main leader at the moment of the antigovernment movement & demonstrations.

Mateusz Kijowski, founder of KOD - Komitet Obrony Demokracji (Democracy Defense Committee)

A small group of government supporters from the Narodowa Wolna Polska (National Free Poland) organization